Saturday, April 5, 2008

Where does the time go?

So I couldn't resist the opportunity to take this picture of Claire today! I was getting her ready for nap and was trying to pull her fleece over her head and it kind of got stuck. She thought it was grand fun. So I snapped 20 pics in hopes of getting the perfect one. Of course there were several that were cute. Then I had a sort of "deja vu" moment and realized that I had done something similar with Kate when she was younger. Actually she was almost 7 months old vs Claire's 6 months. I remember exactly when I took that picture of Kate. We had gone for the weekend to visit my dad and me being my usual silly self, stuck her pants on her head. To this day it's one of my favorite pics, because her hair looks PINK! So is it really possible that 3 years later I'm doing it all over again? The thought of that almost makes me faint! It's amazing all the things that we have experienced in 3 years and yet, wasn't it just yesterday? I guess it is true, "time flies when you're having fun".

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