Thursday, April 17, 2008

Make new friends, but keep the old......

I've had so many friends in my life. Some that are still part of my life and others that have moved on.

I never cease to be amazed by how I meet people these days. One of my dearest friends I met in a birth class of all places! Another I became friends with because we were the last couple to be married at the church. Another I met on freecycle, shoveling river rock out of her back yard. Thanks to these wonderful ladies, I have met several more phenomenal friends. How AWESOME!!!!

I sometimes find myself lonely and then I stop and think about these incredible people who impact my life in such inspiring and uplifting ways!

Today, once again, thanks to freecycle (which I would know nothing about, it it weren't for Bounceriffic!), I met another wonderful woman. She was in need of an exercauser and I had just the one for her darling 4 month old. We started talking and found we had a lot in common and even workout at the same gym!

It's amazing the community God will offer to us, if we will just stop and take the time to open the door! I find myself incredibly blessed and full......but never too full for a new friend, and ALWAYS holding the old ones close.

Friends are God's way of taking care of us.- Author Unknown

Side by side or miles apart, good friends are always close to the heart.- Author Unknown

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.- Author Unknown

Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.- Author Unknown

I love you all!

1 comment:

RP said...

Right back atcha, sweet girl. I miss you too, way over there on the other side of the Blue Ridge. You were, unquestionably, the BEST thing in that entire 12-week long birth class! (And miles better than picturing the soothing color RED...!) I thank God for YOU!