So Claire turned 1 on the 15th of September. I'm still trying to catch my breathe. I think I've been running to try and keep up and yet I still missed her 1st year.
Monday we celebrated with mini cupcakes with purple icing. What girl wouldn't love a cupcake? Apparently my little girl! After looking at them with this confusing look, she finally hit it and "oh my!' got icing on her fingers. Yeah! Let's get messy girl! I mean, if you've ever been around Claire when she eats, you can't keep her plate full. She shovels it in. So here it's been 5 minutes and all she's done is stuck her finger in the icing. What's wrong with this picture?!!??!
She finally decided to be "adventurous" and try the icing. Well one lick and she stuck her tongue out, gaging with this horrible, "I want to throw up" look on her face. Ok fine. Let's try a plain cupcake. Surely that will go over better, right?!?!? WRONG! One bite of that and she started crying and gagging and spit the cake out. I'm sorry. Is this child related to me?
Alas, no messy 1 year pictures!
Saturday we had a little get together. Try number 2! This time I thought, let's do something that might be more appealing. The girl loves bread, so I found these cinnamon roll twists that you top with chocolate icing. YES! This will be great! I'm so excited. Hand it over to her with a candle, everyone is waiting with great anticipation and........yup! Once again she looks at it with great confusion. "Mommy! What am I supposed to do with this weird worm like thing?" Oh no! Not again! This is a stressful moment for a mother! Ok break it down to smaller bites. Maybe the whole this is just overwhelming. Takes one bite....yes....yes....yes....she spits it out and hands it over to me. WHAT?!?!?!?!
Ok so when all else fails, give her a cookie. So I gave her a chocolate chip cookie. Now cookies aren't that messy and 1st birthdays are all about mess.....aren't they? Who decided that, because my hair has turned gray trying to make it a messy day! Back to the mess....I had a can of whip cream, so I put a little squirt on the top of her cookie. Dairy, light weight, delicious. Surely it won't be a big deal. WRONG! Bring on the tears and not just little spider tears. NO!!!!!!!!! Huge crocodile tears, like someone just took away her favorite teddy bear. Are you kidding me! When did Claire become so "dainty". This is my line backer, garbage disposal, nobody gonna bother me daughter!
So! There you go! That pretty much sums up Claire's birthday. I think she had fun. I HOPE she had fun. I'm sure she will forever be scared by sweets and maybe that's a good thing. I wish I had that problem!
Better start coming up with ideas for birthday #2! Thankfully I have 51 weeks! I'm thinking an ice cream cake!
The silver lining to the day: Claire stood by herself, without holding on to anything! So it was a great 1st birthday!
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