Then I got all "cute", yet another rarity, and had breakfast with the moms from preschool. We went to Mimi's Cafe. Their food was fabulous!
After that we headed back to the school for their last day of school/graduation assembly. They were so cute.
Then as if that wasn't great! My bestest friend ever and Kate's bestest friend ever and birth buddy, came to visit. It was so spur of the moment and I"m just grateful to God, that we had this time together to enjoy ourselves and get caught up! I feel like a completely recharged battery now!!!!
Then after my delightfully cranky preschooler went down for her nap, my glorious Buddha girl just had me going! Who can turn away from a laughing baby? Their really is nothing better. Find yourself in a bad place? Just watch the video below. It will definitely turn that frown upside down!
The day of course ended with our family night at chickfila. Nothing better than some chicken nuggets and a balloon animal. What more could a kid want? Oh wait.......
ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!
I truly had a happy day!